Multicultural Program with State Street School

Opening Doors is always excited to collaborate on special projects with our friends at the local elementary schools.  In December of 2019, we received a proposal from State Street School requesting additional books to compliment the existing second and third grade multicultural program curriculum.   With the help of our community partner Savoy Book Shop, Opening Doors was able to purchase over $2000 worth of books for this worthwhile program.  Each book was labeled with a specially created bookplate and then delivered to the school in February, 2020. We continued to provide books for this project in 2021 and added an additional 100 books!

Mary Kay Patton, program liaison explained, “This program builds empathy and unity among our students” and “creates a community of students who respect the differences in themselves and others”. 

The books for this project will remain in the school library as a  treasured resource for future generations. 

Thank you to the generous donors who made this special project possible!